Who's Fetket?

Oh, Fetket? Just another one of our cast characters. No one too important.

Just kidding, he's moderately important, maybe fairly important if I'm feeling nice. Fetket (or Fent, as Cal nicknamed him) Fraser is a rivethead goth mummy with lanky limbs and goth swag for days. He's an oddball and loves anything related to creepy crawlies, industrial music, taxidermy, and wearing cool cloths. He's got multiple pet bugs in his room, ranging from a colony of giant hissing cockroaches to a plethora of beetle grubs that he breeds and raises to a giant millipede. He collects wet specimens of all sorts of insects and has loads of pinned ones as well. Like Cal mentioned before, this guy is so obsessed with this shit that he's curating a catalogue of all the bugs in the trailer park. Neeeeerd!

Anyways, it's been a pretty long while since we saw what Duke was up to. Hopefully Cal waltzed his way over to Mr. Hurley's trailer by now.
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