‹Check on Duke›

Oh, looks like we caught him on the phone with someone. Why don't we butt in and tap into his conversation? I love doing that.
???: Duke, you aren't going!
DUKE: Dad, no, I told you I have a fucking gig tonight. I told you last week. I don't care what the temperature is today, I don't care about some bullshit heat wave, I am drumming for that band tonight. They already paid me half of my pay.
DAD?: Duke, you little shithead, listen to your old man when he tells you to do something! Or rather when he tells you NOT to do something!! If I have to come home early from work to supervise you and make sure you don't leave that fucking house I-
DUKE: Don't call me a shithead, Dad!! I'm a grown ass adult, I can go drum for a band if they need me to, man!
DAD?: Don't call me "man".
DUKE: Once again: don't call me a shithead, assface!
DAD?: For fuck's sake, Duke. I don't care how old you are, as long as you're under my roof you aren't going to a dumbass basement show in a hot ass basement. I am not about to have to answer the hospital when they call me and tell me you had a heat stroke.
DAD?: Tough.
DUKE: ...
DAD?: I'll be calling later to see if you're still home.
DUKE: ...
DAD?: Bye, son.
A click is heard through Duke's flip phone as the other end of the call hangs up. He flips the lid shut angrily and chucks the phone at the floor.
Holy shit. Welp, that was certianly an interesting eavesdrop.
Damn, that's rough. →