Damn, that's rough.

Duke's just sorta standing there now, all pissed off. Hell, I'd be pissed off too if I was just told I wasn't allowed to go out, especially if I was told like that.

For some context: Duke drums for bands who need someone to fill-in for them for 25 bucks a show. He doesn't charge much, but everyone asks him to fill in, so he can wrack up a good amount of money pretty quick from just showing up and banging on some random band's drumkit. His dad, Vincent Vein Hurley (or Vince, if you somehow like him enough to call him that), HATES the fact that Duke does this. Vincent works an office job as a corporate slave, but has loads of money in his savings. And I mean LOADS. So of course, this means his son has to be just as sustainable and financially secure as he is. Or at least he thinks it does; Duke has other plans.

Wait a sec, pausing on the context, who's that in the hallway?!
???: Duke, dude, shut the fuck up out there!!
Who's that? →