Who's that?

Oh, it's Kimmy- HOT DAMN! If I could make a catcall whistle sound right now, I totally would be making one.
???: Duke, are you gonna answer me or just stand there and pout?
DUKE: Kimmy, zip your trap and leave me alone.
KIMMY: Aw baby, what's wrong?
DUKE: Fuck off, Kimmy! Don't fucking mock me!
KIMMY: She giggles (kind of evilly). My bad, fartface. C'mere, what's wrong with you?
Duke shuffles over to Kimmy, rubbing his temples. She reaches out and ruffles his hair.
KIMMY: C'mon, Duke, tell me what's up.
DUKE: Dad said I can't go gig tonight. Too hot or some bullshit.
KIMMY: ...Ok, I don't wanna side with him, but it IS 110 degrees out-
DUKE: Kimmy, you always side with him. He looks at her with hurt eyebrows.
KIMMY: ...Do not.
DUKE: Do, now move and lemme into my room. Cal'll probably be here soon enough. Duke pushes past Kimmy.
KIMMY: Which one of your goons is that? I forget.
DUKE: Zombie. Detatched hand.
KIMMY: Ohhh, he's the one who always compliments me...he's kinda cute for that. But, like, in a way a really stupid puppy is cute, or a really fat baby.
DUKE: Fat baby Cal...funny.
KIMMY: She giggles. Just don't bug me. I'll be in my room or something.
Jesus, I can see why Cal compliments her. ...Sorry, sorry... I can feel your glare through the screen...I should probably introduce her.

Kimberly Hurley (or Kimmy, if she likes you) is Duke's twin sister. Kimmy is your classic trailer park girl, at least on the outside. She dresses in skimpy clothes, spends all day partying with her friends, drinks (and drives), smokes endless packs of cigarettes, and swears up and down that she's annoyed by and hates her twin brother. But if you were to get to know Kimmy, you'd learn that she is just a girl who loves fixing cars, tinkering with random machinery, and her brother Duke.

We'll see more of her later, though. You want a room tour of Duke's man cave?
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