Wait, who's this Cal guy?

Oh so now you want to learn about who these idiots are, huh? I guess I can tell you.

Cal, formally known as Calypse Currie, is a 20-year-old zombie who has a large personality and even larger attitude. His decapitated hand (that follows him around everywhere) is great at shredding on the guitar, and is perfect for holding cigarettes, which is an addiction among many that Cal has. His long hazelnut brown hair that nearly fully covers his face is always pulled back into a ponytail with his signature red backwards ball cap. Cal loves basement shows and partying, playing Guitar Hero, and poking fun at his best friend, Duke. He usually spends most of his time in Duke's trailer, mooching off his PS2 and his snacks.

Seems like Cal and Duke are hankering to find something to do in this heat. The tempature today (July 17th, 2006) is 110 degrees, so Cal is pretty damn accurate when he says he's about to melt into a green puddle of goo. You could fry an egg on the blacktop sidewalks of the trailer park, literally. It's that fucking hot.
2006? →